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Lack of Valency Pattern

In our experiments reported here, all the input sentences were accepted by the valency patterns. However, the valency patterns does not always accept the sentence. In some cases, input sentence were not accepted the valency patterns. Table 14 and 15 shows an example of such a sentence.

Table 14: Input Sentence (Sample)
``kazewa higashikara fuiteiru.''
` The wind has blown from east.'

吹く (Fuku)

  1. $N1$$N2$から/より $N3$に吹く(``Fuku'' )
    (` $N1$ swell to $N2$ ' )
    $N1$(2373風 `Wind' )
    $N2$(388場所 'Locate' 2610場 `Scene' )
    $N3$(388場所 'Locate' 2610場 `Scene' )

In this case, the valency pattern of 吹く (Fuku) needs $N3$. However, $N3$ does not appear in the input sentence.

Another exmaple is as follows.

Table 15: Input Sentence (Sample)
``kono kurasuno jugyouha eigode okonawareru.'
`This class is conducted by English.'

行う (Okonau)

  1. $N1$$N2$を 行う(``Okonau'' )
    (` $N1$ carry out $N2$ ' )
    $N1$(3 主体 `Subject')
    $N2$(459 立案 'plan' 1826 規制 'regulation' 1155 制度 'system')

In this case, $N1$ of the valency pattern of 行う (Okonau) needs (3主体 `Subject' ) . However, $N1$ of the input sentence (授業 'Lesson') is not included in these semantic categories.

25 sentence out of 100 sentence did not accept the valency patterns. The coverage of the valency pattern was 75%. This rate is probably a little low. Thus we must correct the valency patterns more.

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Jin'ichi Murakami 2005-08-25